Today, we're in Kansas. The end.
But really. Most of today wasn't spent cracking jokes or scaring enormous men (see yesterday's post...), but enjoying watching the world zip by. There really isn't much more to do in Kansas.
Dad observed as we passed a golf course, "how boring would it be to golf in Kansas? Whack the ball a gazillion miles, walk a gazillion miles...for once I would hope there are a ton of bunkers or water hazards just for a change of pace." As you can see by the road we traveled for about 8 hours today, he was spot on...
On the other hand, I do think that it's possible there is little else bigger in the US than the endless fields of wheat or browned corn. It is majestic to look over something that you cannot fully see all at once: much like looking for the end of the ocean. It just keeps going.
It is amazing how much of a difference the knowledge that you're in a state other than Kansas can make on your perception of the surrounding terrain. Absolutely nothing has changed...BUT WE ARE IN COLORADO!
...okay, so maybe that was an exaggeration. But I'm nervous anyway.
As of today, I have seen my first prairie dog ever. I feel...mystically enlightened.
Jacob commented further upon the beauty of this country by pointing out that he loves the "midget Grand Canyons" that pop up randomly through Colorado (really just big ditches made from driving rain). After 8 hours of Kansas roads, that was the funniest thing we'd ever heard.
Everyone has been constantly freaking out about the mountains, the rain, taking a panoramic picture (on the edge of the road as a semi whizzes by...Dad...), or sticking our heads out the sun roof...but it's very good to be in Colorado.
The kids are down at the pool swimming, and I am watching the sun set over Pike's Peak. I'm pretty sure that CO Springs is the only other place I'd want to live aside from my beloved Tennessee. It's beautiful here. Tomorrow, we go sight seeing! Pike's Peak, Garden of the we come!
P.S. This is a panoramic picture for which Dad nearly sacrificed his life to a semi. I think it only fitting that you should enjoy it.
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