Another guest post from the other half of J. Creasy. Let me tell you about the adventures we've had this past week.
Monday and Tuesday were our slow days. I had an interview on Monday, which was uneventful enough in its own right (although finding the right building was hilariously difficult). My sweet husband later picked up one tired interviewee at the Anacostia stop. The rest of Monday and Tuesday was spent scouring job banks and looking for connections.
Wednesday the crazy started. In the morning, I drove to Arlington for an interview. As soon as I got to the end of our street, the GPS on my phone started freaking out and blanked out the map while rerouting. I turned in the direction I hoped was correct, and drove up over the 11th St Bridge into town. Praying for Google maps, I got onto 695. Right then, it started working, and thankfully I was headed right where I needed to be. Whew.
Once that adventure was over, Jonathan and I headed out for our weekly grocery shopping date. It's really quite fun. We get a glorious thrill from parking lots that are free, and Costco always provides amusement. This week we saw a short, perfectly balding priest in black robes with a crucifix around his neck. Man does not live on the Word of God alone, but also on the bread from Costco, I guess.
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In front of the Library of Congress. |
Wednesday evening, we headed to CHBC (Capital Hill Baptist Church, "Cap Bap," etc.) for the weekly Bible study lead by Mark Dever. While everyone is still filing in, he reads from a red leather book that seems to be a collection of letters written to Spurgeon. After that, he pulls out different books and booklets on various topics, free to anyone that promises to read them soon. So far, I've read "God and Politics" and "The Baptist Faith and Message." This week I got a booklet about the nature of Christ, which I might read later today.
Thursday started out by me having a phone interview with a local institute. The minute it was over, Jonathan and I hopped on the metro to Capital South. He headed to the Congressional buildings for a meeting with a fellow Eagle Scout, and I walked to a local lunch spot.
Once Jonathan was done with the meeting, we ate, and parted ways at the metro. I headed to Chinatown for an interview, and he had coffee with Jason, one of our new friends.
When I got out of my 'view, I met up with Jonathan and Jason at Labyrinth Games. Jason is an aficionado of board games, so when I got there, the guys were playing slightly obscure board games at tables in the back of the store. I love it when friends introduce us to new experiences!
Oh, hey. Ever heard of the cherry blossoms in DC? Yeah, they're kinda famous. We finally got to go see them!
Thursday afternoon was deliciously warm with a cool breeze. Jonathan and I wandered down to the Jefferson Memorial along with hundreds of other people. It was my first time seeing the cherry blossoms in person and I loved it.
Friday we met Chad, who first encouraged us to move to DC, and encouraged us again now that we are here. His warm personality and genuine happiness that God had placed us here was evident. After that, Jonathan and I attended an event at AEI, where the former director of the CIA and NSA commented on his most recent book. Geez, we were a little out of our league.
When we got home, Jonathan had a phone interview, and then we prepared for the Good Friday service at CHBC. After such a wild week, it was good to have time for reflection. There was singing, Scripture reading, and a short message. After taking communion, we sung It Is Well, a favorite hymn for both me and Jonathan, and tears rose in our eyes.
Now, we come to today, Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.
Think back about 2000 years ago. Jesus died yesterday. And a strange thing happened - the temple veil to the Most Holy Place was torn in two, from top to bottom. There's nothing separating us from the presence of God anymore, but our Messiah is still buried.
Tomorrow, come quickly.
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