Today is a Chacos, bandanna, rock climbing and adventure-filled kinda day. Or, so we thought at first.
Today saw us exhibiting a lot of the crazy attitudes and antics that characterizes our family. Here are a few photos to enlighten you a little more, if you haven't picked up on that already.

Jacob: How does a creek get crippled, exactly?
Me: It runs too much. AAHHHAHAHAHAH!
Me: It runs too much. AAHHHAHAHAHAH!
as we passed.
In Cripple Creek, we boarded a train (completely coal powered...take that EPA!), and took a scenic route through the mountains learning about gold mining, mountains, and bar-maid carousing, and towards the end of our trip, a red fox ran across the tracks in front of us.
This town is rather depressing after being here a few hours. The population is very low, and all that is left here are bars and casinos. It is a true mining town if ever I've seen one.
We tried so hard to get Mom to see a prairie dog, and even pulled off on the side of the road multiple times, but as of yet, she has yet to see one. She is of the opinion we're making them up. ;)
Kreme donuts. We ate them and took super awkward pictures with Pike's Peak in the background.
Also, for your enjoyment, here is a random quote from Dad: "You should take a picture of the Walmart with the sun shining on it." Yes...he was serious.
Tomorrow, we head to Estes Park, where we will be staying in a cabin for a few days. Leaving CO Springs, Pike's Peak, and the Garden of the Gods will be sad, but I'm super excited. Wilderness, here we come!

Tomorrow, we head to Estes Park, where we will be staying in a cabin for a few days. Leaving CO Springs, Pike's Peak, and the Garden of the Gods will be sad, but I'm super excited. Wilderness, here we come!
This is certainly the most exciting and well documented family vacation I have ever beheld...