This morning I wasn't up quite so early I as was the previous day, but what with the AC breaking in our hotel room last night (my luck...the same thing happened in CO Springs), and with the War Horse (that's what we've nicknamed my roommate...a friend and freshman from Bryan) snoring, sleep was off and on last night. But that was totally okay, because today was a fire-hose of wonderful information.
Here at the Values and Capitalism Conference at AEI, I've already made so many new friends, and appreciated plenty of new theological insights surrounding my faith and politics, my future career, finding a church in DC, etc. A theme that came up twice today (neither speaker meant for this to happen, so we're saying it's a God-thing), and that was quoting The Chariots of Fire when Eric L. said "When I run, I feel God's pleasure." Both Hart and Hendricks (two speakers for the day) said, "You need to ask yourself what is that you can say 'when I ______, I feel God's pleasure.' And you might need to branch out of your comfort zone. You might need to move somewhere completely new. You might have to work long hours. But you'll be feeling God's pleasure."
There were so many new connections and suggestions for jobs and internships and new perspectives on life and work that I had never considered. I have told several people that just today, I have found out more about myself and more about the field in which I am interested than I have in the last three years. It's been overwhelming to say the least, and sessions went from 8am this morning all the way to 7ish tonight. But I loved every second.
I wish I had time to tell you all the amazing and revolutionary ideas I was exposed to today. There was so much. I am confident that this conference was a direct God-send for me. I really needed to hear everything that the people at AEI have graciously taken their time to tell me.
Tonight after the sessions, I set off with a group of 9 people (only 3 of whom I really knew...but we're all so like-minded that I felt like I've already known all of them for a while), and walked from the AEI building all the way to the Mall, to see the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the WWII Memorial, the Korean Memorial, and the Washington Monument. They were all so...awe-inspiring to me. I can't believe how much history and culture so many people live around here in DC. I wish I were here to soak it all in.
In the morning I hit AEI again nice and strong at 8am, and finish at 1. I'll do some sight-seeing after checking in to my new hotel, and maybe find a good restaurant with one of my new friends. I'm sure you'll hear from me sometime tomorrow evening!
Hopefully; expectantly,
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