Saturday, July 19, 2014

Austrian Internship: Day 9

Today isn't technically our first work day, but we're starting the morning with a ceremony and a small dinner to dedicate several new buildings for the Red Cross chapter here in Neusidl.  I'm not sure what else is on the agenda, but if it's not much that's fine with me.  I need a little time to recover from running all over creation.

I only stay here until Thursday,  and then I'm shipped off to Jannesdorf where I'll spend most of my time.  Hawkins will stay in Eisenstadt.  I'm hoping that someone will speak English there, as I know no German and since I'll be losing my travel companion, and once again, I'm unsure if I'll be able to keep my blog updated due to connectivity.  Here the wifi is so weak I am limited to my phone, which is slightly annoying ad I was hoping to Skype home.  Hopefully that will happen soon.

At the dinner we attended our first Austrian Mass and here we are practically famous.  We've been interviewed by two different newspaper reporters and had our picture taken.  There are tons of people here, and an authentic Austrian wind band playing.  It's a super big deal and all because the Red Cross here is opening a new room.  I was pulled aside by an older Austrian gentleman who said he swore I looked like an Irishman.  When I told him my ancestors are Irish, he laughed and shook my hand saying "Ah, Irishmen es good!"  That made me happy.

I don't think we have anything else lined up for the rest of the day, but that's fine by me.  I think we may take a nap and enjoy ourselves before we start work tomorrow.  The wind band is still playing in the background, and finally the wind is blowing.  It's a good day.

We found out that tomorrow all we have to do is have dinner with the Red Cross President, Bruno.  Everyone here is so nice to us, and we've spent the evening reading and listening to music.  I finished the Great Gatsby for the second time, and I've slept a bit.  Soon though, we're going to be on call for the ambulence for 12 hr shifts.  That promises to be fun.

I'm finishing my evening by starting one of my school books, believe it or not.  It's not like it seems though...I got the book at an AEI conference, and have been planning on reading it for pleasure, and it was only recently the book was added as the sole book for the course.  I'm happy to read a book I enjoy before class begins.  ;)

Goodnight from Neusidl! I can't wait to see you all again so I can share my wonderful stories with you in person.

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